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- Acadia National Park - Schoodic Woods
- Maine Audubon
- City of Portland, Maine
- Portland Public Library
- Gettysburg College
- Gettysburg College - Center for Athletics
- Natural Resources Council of Maine
- Schoodic Education and Research
- Cities of Biddeford and Saco
- Portland Observatory
- Fort Williams
- Bowdoin College - Watson Arena
- Liberty Ship Memorial
- Museum at Portland Head Light
- Bowdoin College
- Crystal Spring Farm
- Eastgate Yachts
- Principe Polizzi
- Maine Women’s Lobby
- Dynamic Air Quality Solutions
- Christopher Rheault
- Champa Interiors
- Emma Kelly Landscape
- Cold Mountain Builders
- Bates College
- Folk Arts Rajasthan
- Van Dam Architecture and Design
- Simply Divine
- Waynflete School
- Sappi
- Benchmark Construction
- African American Life in Franklin, Ohio
- Bowdoin College
Woodworth Associates Inc.
Fort Andross, Box 64
14 Maine Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
Fax 207.373.9093
Fort Andross, Box 64
14 Maine Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
Fax 207.373.9093
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Waynflete School
A well-coordinated and thoughtful publications program including admissions, alumni, and development materials presents a consistent visual image for Waynflete (K-12) that appeals to a diverse constituency of students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and prospective employees.