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Woodworth Associates Inc.
Fort Andross, Box 64
14 Maine Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
Fax 207.373.9093
Fort Andross, Box 64
14 Maine Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
Fax 207.373.9093
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Cities of Biddeford and Saco
Wayfinding, Signage, and Logo
A flowing graphic river winds through the
background of the new signs for the communities of Biddeford and Saco, Maine. The two cities are working together to build the brand of one community. The names of each City share a common element; the letter “O.” The Cities are linked typographically on the signs. Each “O” is located at the spot where each City meets the Saco River.
Woodworth Associates, with team members Richardson & Associates, TY Lin, and Wright-Pierce has been working with the Cities
of Biddeford and Saco to plan and design a Wayfinding and Signage Program that includes a variety of sign types for automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians.